Chcesz nauczyć się mówić po angielsku, poprawić spontaniczność i swobodę mówienia, zredukować polski akcent lub się go pozbyć całkowicie?

Zapraszam na profesjonalne lekcje języka mówionego dla osób, które pragną zacząć konwersować po angielsku bez obcego akcentu.

Lekcje prowadzone są w plenerze i/lub u ucznia, przez prawdziwego nauczyciela, z zarówno polskim jak i brytyjskim wykształceniem, z ponad 10 letnim doświadczeniem i praktyką zawodową, mówiącego biegle po angielsku z doskonałym akcentem.

Zainwestuj w siebie i zacznij mówić po angielsku z przyjemnością, bez strachu i z pięknym akcentem.

Dla uczniów, studentów oraz nauczycieli.

Dostępność natychmiastowa.

Skuteczność 100 %.

Cena pierwszego dwugodzinnego spotkania – 240 złotych.
Kolejne spotkania – 150 złotych 60 minut.   Zapoznaj się z innymi ogłoszeniami na przez kliknięcie “Zobacz inne anonse ogłoszeniodawcy”.   Pozdrawiam słonecznie.   Tomasz.   Help with learning RP/Standard British English, the softening of your accent, accent reduction, elocution, English pronunciation, speech clarity work, effective communication skills and conversation lessons given by experienced, highly-qualified teacher.

This is done through the teaching of the correct formation of all the vowel and consonant sounds, phonetics, the correct shaping of the mouth and lips and the placement of the tongue in relation to the teeth, correct intonation, word and syllable stress patterns, clarity of diction, minimal pairs, word endings, conversation and much more in order to produce a true Standard British English or RP sound with complete clarity and understanding.

Do you speak fluent English, yet sometimes feel less confident than you would like when speaking with other people?

Are you learning to speak English as a Foreign Language? Do you worry that others cant understand you?

Do you sometimes feel frustrated because you find yourself unable to express yourself in English?

Are you already proficient in English but want to tone up or polish your English speaking skills?

Do you want to build your English vocabulary or improve your overall language ability?

I offer open, friendly, stimulating and patient one to one interactive classes which usually take place in great public spaces or in the house or flat of the student: whichever you prefer, are usually two hours in length and the cost is 240 zloty, but best of all a real opportunity to improve or practise your everyday, real-life English speaking and conversational skills on subjects of your choice. After the initial 2 hours are completed further lessons charged at 150 zloty 60 minutes.

After just one session you will immediately start making progress.

My lessons focus on pronunciation, conversation and accent reduction.

I can help you speak English with confidence, reduce your accent and improve your speaking.

My classes will allow you do this with precision and ease. I will teach, listen and correct you.

All Materials are provided.

I look forward to hearing from you!   Please see other ads by clicking the “View posters other Ads” link in the Poster Contact Information box, which appears on the upper right-hand side of the ad.

Reklama: Indywidualna Praktyka Stomatologiczna. Kubicka J. – stomatolog Warszawa

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