Professional & Fun English with a Native Speaker!

WIECZORY PELNE MAM! Jedynie godziny 10-16 od Pon-Pia sa obecnie wolne, jezeli Panstwa sa dalej zainteresowani, prosze czytac dalej :)

How I differ from other English Native Speakers?
- I speak and read perfect polish.
- I make sure the lessons are not boring and monotonous, just reading and no interaction. I do my best to keep the atmosphere interesting and fresh.
- I keep up to date with todays news, todays teaching techniques and through my experience, some of my own techniques. I dont use old and outdated material, I keep with the times and the technology.
- I keep in touch with my clients at all times, help them whenever I can, correspond with them as often as possible.
- I continuously educate myself in todays matters from around the world to bring to the table up to date news and knowledge of interest.
- Im very flexible with my time.
- Im fun and at the same time professional! :D

So, if youre interested in improving your English for a business trip, job interview, work, or just in general, then contact me :) I can improve your General English or Business English. I have great knowledge in many areas of Business English. I can help improve your accent, improve your vocabulary, understand different contexts better. I have cooperated with many companies in the past, and still do today. I run a small private company and my prices are competitive!

I have 7 years of teaching experience in English, as well as an extensive career in English for Corporations or Companies.Other offers near the bottom! :D

Jestem angielskim native speakerem. Ucze angielskiego biznesowego oraz w codziennym uzyciu. Biegle posluguje sie jezykiem polskim. Ucze slownictwa specjalistycznego z zakresu finansów, technologi, gospodarki oraz wielu innych. Wspólpracuje z duzymi firmami oraz osobami prywatnymi. Prowadze mala prywatna firme i moje ceny sa konkurencyjne! Zajecia prowadzone sa w bezstresowej atmosferze. Zainteresowanych prosze o kontakt. :)

Mam 7 lat doswiadczenia w nauczaniu angielskiego, w tym w wielu duzych firmach.Inne oferty ponizej! :D

Contact:e-mail; mike @ speechtalk .pl
cell; 790 747 870

Cena lekcji do uzgodnienia, w zaleznosci od ilosci spotkan w tygodniu i czasu ich trwania. Im wieksza ilosc spotkan w tygodniu, tym nizsza cena za lekcje. Czekam na kontakt!
Materialy zapewniam bezplatnie we wlasnym zakresie.
Spotkania odbywaja sie w dogodnym dla Was miejscu; za dojazd nie pobieram dodatkowej oplaty.
Istnieje mozliwosc otrzymania faktury.


Interested in General English or Grammar?
Interested in General Japanese?
Contact Me to find out more!

Zainteresowany General English lub Gramatyke?
Zainteresowany Japonskim?
Skontaktuj sie ze mna by dowiedzic sie wiecej!

Reklama: Family Dent. Gabinet stomatologiczny – stomatolog Warszawa


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